Frontline International’s new higher-capacity EZ Oil Fresh Oil Dispensing System keeps 385 pounds of oil at the ready for automated fryer vat refills

Frontline International revolutionized automated cooking oil for foodservice kitchens when it introduced the EZ Fresh Oil Dispensing System, which allows boxed-bulk oil to easily route to fryer vats at the push of a button. Now, the company is introducing a new, higher-capacity version that dramatically increases the amount of oil it can store. Its 385-pound capacity immediately makes it the front-runner for use in automated cooking oil systems.
The new EZ Fresh Oil Dispensing System has three boxes of oil plumbed to an expanded reservoir, for a capacity of 280 pounds of oil tapped and ready to flow hands-free to the fryer. Plus, another 105 pounds of cooking oil store on the equipment, for 385 total pounds of cooking oil at the ready. The expansion was accomplished without adding to the footprint of original EZ Oil, allowing it to mesh seamlessly with virtually any kitchen environment.
This expanded capacity system allows operators to use higher-quality boxed bulk oil and get the same convenience as using a tank. In fact, the EZ Oil system allows even greater convenience because there’s no more waiting for tank-oil truck deliveries and no more long-term contracts. Operators simply choose the boxed oil they want to use, from a vastly wider pool of options, and have it delivered with their other regularly scheduled kitchen deliveries.
The expanded EZ Oil Fresh Oil Dispensing system is automated, hands-free, and bulk for the ultimate in quality and convenience.
“Automation is king in foodservice kitchens, but the downside has always been that large, unwieldy tank and the inconvenience of waiting for oil to be delivered. It’s delivered on the oil provider’s schedule, not on the kitchen owner’s,” said Giovanni Brienza, senior vice president of Frontline International. “The expanded EZ Oil system opens up a world of options to operators, to choose exactly the boxed bulk oil they want, free themselves from long-term contracts, and successfully automate their processes for a consistent, high-quality food product.”