Did you know that hot grease causes more than half of all injuries among restaurant workers?* And, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, that 57% of all foodservice general liability insurance claims are for slip-and-fall accidents? With Frontline International’s Smart Oil Management® solutions, foodservice establishments can reduce or eliminate manual handling of hot waste oil, thus reducing the risk of injuries—which translates into lower insurance premiums and Workman’s Comp costs.
All of Frontline’s solutions, including their completely automated Direct-Plumbed® waste oil system, eliminate pouring or toting buckets of hot oil, which immediately results in labor and time savings and increases productivity and safety.
Smart Oil Management equipment for fresh oil and waste oil work together as a complete hands-free system—from filling fryers with fresh oil to draining out and storing waste oil. Kitchen staff can simply control cooking oil with the touch of a button. Using Frontline’s Box System for Standard Packaged Oil, the fryer can be automatically filled with fresh oil. Then filtered waste oil is automatically drained from the fryer and flows to a Direct-Plumbed® waste oil containment tank for storage and collection.
Frontline also solves the problem of waste oil storage in outdoor corrals, which makes restaurant grounds look bad and can create nuisance odors or attract disease-spreading pests. Frontline’s sealed waste oil containment tanks can be placed indoors, outdoors, or anywhere, with a remote control panel placed where you need it for convenience.
Employees never need to touch cooking oil again, and facilities will be cleaner, safer work environments with greatly reduced grease-related accidents.
*Source: Feng Li, MD, MPS, MS Injury Prevention Service.
About Frontline International
Frontline International, Inc. designs, manufactures, and distributes superior commercial foodservice equipment for the storage, handling, and disposal of cooking oil. With Frontline, you own your own equipment, negotiate your own oil rebates, and have the freedom to choose your own oil vendors. Frontline and its Smart Oil Management systems offer users more freedom and more control over their processes and their profits. For more information, contact Frontline International, Inc. at 187 Ascot Parkway, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223. Phone: +1 330-861-1100. Toll free: 1-877-776-1100. Web: www.frontlineii.com. E-mail: info@frontlineii.com.