See for Yourself: Frontline’s Smart Oil Management System Now Featured in YouTube Video

Winner of National Restaurant Association’s 2012 Kitchen Innovations Award

In as little as 4 minutes and 38 seconds, YouTube viewers can see how Frontline International’s Smart Oil Management solutions for fresh cooking oil, filtration, and waste oil can help them manage their fresh oil supply, extend the life of fresh oil to save money, and turn their waste oil into a profit center—all while reducing risk and improving hygiene. At, restaurants, grocers, schools, hotels, and other foodservice establishments can see why Frontline’s Smart Oil Management is the right solution for those who want to save money on their fresh oil and profit from their waste oil.

The Frontline Smart Oil Management video explains how customers can track and monitor oil usage data at all units, collect and dispose of waste oil safely and profitably, and control their profits on fresh and waste oil. Because they own their Frontline equipment, customers can reap the benefits and still negotiate their own oil rebates—versus the old model of customers receiving a discount on leasing equipment, having to purchase oil from the vendor, and having no control over the waste oil rebates.

Featured in the video is Frontline’s Box System for dispensing standard packaged fresh oil, one of this year’s winners of the National Restaurant Association’s Kitchen Innovations Award. The Box System is an automated, convenient, cleaner and safer, more cost-effective way to dispense fresh cooking oil for refilling fryers. Boxes or jugs of oil are placed upside-down in the Frontline rack system and connected with a Frontline fresh oil pump station. Fryers are filled either automatically or by using a convenient, no-mess dispensing wand. The upside-down storage method dispenses every drop of oil, increasing yields by up to 10%, and the system reduces burns from handling hot oil and slip-and-fall injuries from greasy floors.

About Frontline International
Frontline International, Inc. designs, manufactures, and distributes superior commercial foodservice equipment for the storage, handling, and disposal of cooking oil. With Frontline, you own your own equipment, negotiate your own oil rebates, and have the freedom to choose your own oil vendors. Frontline and its Smart Oil Management systems offer users more freedom and more control over their processes and their profits. For more information, contact Frontline International, Inc. at 187 Ascot Parkway, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223. Phone: +1 330-861-1100. Toll free: 1-877-776-1100. Web: E-mail: